What is a
sport? A sport, as defined by Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, is a “physical activity engaged in for pleasure”. Sports like lawn
tennis, basketball, football (soccer) and the likes easily thrill audiences but
when boxing is viewed, at times, it sends cold chills down the spines of
spectators. My mum can’t even watch it.
In our daily lives, most of us don’t get punched in the head by highly trained, muscular dudes so, in reality, the hits and punches of boxing does thrill us because we haven’t really experienced the effects of incessant blows to the head. What we don’t know is that the boxers we watch are vulnerable to traumatic injuries that can truncate their life spans.
Headgears will help reduce the impact of injuries suffered by boxers but it is mostly worn at the amateur level. Most professional athletes don’t wear headgear as it is likely to reduce the thrill enjoyed by spectators. But most boxers at the championship level fight only about two bouts a year, thereby reducing the threat posed to their bodies. But not all boxers have this luxury.
The bottom line is if no sustainable solution is available to
the risks posed to the brains of boxers, then, boxing should be banned.
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